
reality shift, dimensional shift, life change, transition



Two halves of a whole –

Two ones at the half.

With movement through ages,

By subtlety and stages,

A transition beckons the soul.

Then miraculous reflection

Into life’s grand projection

As time, goes swifter than thought.

All matter with inflection,

Upon our due inspection,

Unlike the ways which we were taught.

And feel: the spark of synchronicity.

Wondered when to knowing now –

Once coming then, but not known how –

In a language of wisdom and intention.

To be: the emulation of a concept.

All factors making motion –

If but now we grasp the notion –

Of what is thought and did … the same.

One half as a whole –

Two, born out of one.

The great shift of our reality,

To more than our mortality:

In living future, of an infinite soul!

-Dan Thomas

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