A Different Sight

For a great deal of our history, most of mankind has perceived life as something largely outside of themselves. Thoughts and feelings hide in the inner corridors of personal experience, but beyond that it is a solid game of chance, circumstance, and/or fate … something that just happens, to which we can only react to. Whether it is the raging of a thunderstorm outside of our window or the churning of a ‘dis-ease’ inside inside of our bodies, experience (it would seem) is a phenomenon that is somehow beyond our control, and often beyond our understanding. Because of this, we have been taught to rely on various and established systems of belief, and their authorized orators, to explain ‘truth’ and give comfort to our fears. We believe ourselves to be, ultimately, quite powerless before the massive machine which ‘determines our reality’ … we are, after all, but small and insignificant people for whom history will spare no page. We are the ‘masses’, for whom life is mostly just about ‘doing what you have to do’ …

If you look deep into the waters of social psychology, I think you’ll find that much of what I have just said, is unfortunately fairly accurate … and not just for the modern mindset, but also for the basic mindset which has endured through thousands of years of our history. It is a description that plenty would also deny, however when one looks not at what ‘seems upon the surface, but what swims beyond’, one realizes that these denials are often a case of lack in perspicacity – or in other words, the subconscious and the conscious are not always in agreement …

Yet, recognizing the condition of our human experience is elementary. The next step is in attempting to affect change, where change is thought to be needed – needed for the betterment of our life experiences. For this step, we are supplied an apparent abundance of options by our chosen ‘authorities’ … options complete with a price sticker in both dollars AND sense … options which support the belief system from which it is presented, and options which steer one’s life experiences to a set course, determined by ‘fate’ or ‘destiny’ … or chance. However here again, what we often find just reinforces those long-standing subconscious barriers of change … in the end showing itself not to be a grand freedom of choice but a single choice disguised by careful rhetoric. My proof? Ask yourself why history so determinedly repeats … not in terms of technology, but in terms of humanity. Here’s a little example: did you know that in over the past 5,000 years, there has been only a few hundred of those years where we have had no record of some war … and that actually, since the end of World War II, we have had more wars than in the past 2,000? Those are rather staggering statistics, aren’t they! Now, realize that behind all of those wars, and from the bombing of Hiroshima down to the nasty little thought that you just had about your co-worker, there is a specific mentality that binds them all, and perpetuates a system whereby more conflicts are inevitable. A singularity, which we call ‘mass reality’, is formed by our continued subconscious (and conscious) support of a flawed (or rather contrived) system of beliefs, designed to prevent true change … change on the profound level of our humanity, and our existence as spiritual beings.

To use the social vernacular, what we’re talking about here is ‘the matrix’ … the manipulated and false reality of our beliefs and our physical senses. We’re talking about social programing … mass mind control – or gubernare mentis as is said in Latin (meaning control and mind – from where we get the English word ‘government’). And its roots run VERY deep …

So, how do we start to move beyond all this … this tangled web between mind, perception, and reality? Well logically, since the ‘mainstream of authority’ – be they religious, scientific, or any denomination between – have obviously failed, what we’re looking for is something totally different … a new perception for our reality that is not dis-empowering, rather self-empowering yet cooperative, and conducive to positive change. Which means we need to look at everything in a new and different way, from how we feel about each other to how we heat our homes at night, to how we create the reality that which we experience. I call it: the Revolution of Humanity – the awakening of people from that ‘matrix’ life, to the beautiful truth that is behind their creation, and their purpose. It’s a journey into the greatest depths of our souls, and a challenge to all that we think we know, and what we think ‘must be’ … but it is also a journey of paramount importance, for those who maintain that rare and fading quality: care. You have to care … about the truth and about life itself … about those questions of why and how and what, and about living life in a way that benefits all. You have to learn how to see life differently … see it without the disguises of social presentation … see reality for what it truly is …

Needless to say, this short article is not the answer, it’s only a beginning – the rest, you have to start discovering for yourself … and I truly hope you care enough to try.

-Good journey to you all-