Free: Thinking

Have you ever just stopped and realized, that a great many of the problems in this world never had to be … if but only people would have used a bit of ‘common sense’? I don’t think most people even really know what ‘common sense’ is anymore … it seems to be a thing somehow lost in time … something maybe parents taught once, but not now. Or maybe it’s never actually been that common. Maybe that’s why I shudder when I see these posts on social networks saying: ‘don’t think’ – ‘stop thinking’ … I consider the historical results of such a mindset. Now don’t get me wrong, I understand the benefits of clearing one’s mind of all the chatter in order to connect to higher consciousness, and I know the health benefits of relieving yourself from the stress of over-thinking … and I realize that there are circumstances were action is imperative, without the luxury of intellectual consideration … but don’t they realize that ‘not thinking’ has caused some of the most tragic calamities in all of human existence! Must I remind them that ignorance is to the pleasure of tyrants? Must I explain to them that ‘yes, sometimes lessons can be learned from our follies, but there is a better way – it’s called common sense’ … it’s called the ability to reason and to learn from the examples of those before us, rather than repeat the same old dumb mistakes again, over and over. But most people don’t really understand that, do they? If they did, the world would be a far different thing then it is today …

I say that you’ve got to think things through – as best you can and as best as circumstances allow – otherwise we tend to follow whatever scenario has simply been programed into us – whatever formula and repetition of patterns that has been injected into us by the media, and culture, and our religions … so we never really evolve as humanity. The mentality of still many people, hasn’t really changed in over 10,000 years of life … they’re still warring with each other, still making their petty and prejudicial judgements, still afraid off their own shadows … still so lost in their anger and their egos, that they can’t seem to realize the simple, sensible little truth that is right in front of their noses: that life is what we make of it, and when we make it with a bit of wisdom and sense, then everyone has the chance to prosper – everyone has the opportunity to grow and to evolve. No, you’re not going to build a commercial/industrial empire out of such a compassionate understanding, but you will build something far more lasting AND more valuable: a revolution of humanity.

Some of our biggest challenges out there can truly be solved, or at least greatly lessened, by some of the smallest decisions that we make right here. What is the most powerful force in all of time? – An idea … an understanding about who we are and why we are … THAT is what molds our future – that is what forms our reality. So maybe it’s worth that little extra effort … that moment of consideration and contemplation … where we use our common sense and we use our hearts and our minds to find an understanding – that life changes as we do, so we had better start changing to something more than what has been. The future is in our hands now, the ability to change it is with us now … so I say, let us attempt to choose wisely.

Good journey to all – keep thinking, keep feeling, keep learning – the answers you seek are found within …