Imagine …

“Imagine the beautiful … so that it can be.”

Imagination is a powerful tool for unlocking possibility, and so it is very important to give some consideration to what you are imagining. Reality is created first in the metaphysical, and then it is translated through consciousness and energy to manifest into the physical. This is the fundamental process of creation … a process being revealed more and more in the field of quantum physics as well as the esoteric studies. Furthermore, the more energy one lends to this process through mental imagery and the focus of emotion, the greater the probability of its manifestation into life experience.

What kind of world do you want to live in? What kind of life do you want to experience? The first step for creating these desires in daily life is by gaining an awareness of what you create within. This is not to say that one can automatically manifest whatever one imagines – there’s more to it than that, but by connecting thought and emotion through the powerful medium that we call imagination, we initiate movement within the timescape to make it so. This is the same technique that is used in affirmations, psychic healing, and many meditations for vibratory acceleration. This is also why the importance of one’s mental and emotional focus is so vitally important. You cannot separate the creation from the creator … truth be, they are essentially one and the same.

“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” – said Albert Einstein, and he was more correct in that statement than many of us give credit. Life is an art … the art of creation. We are limited only by our perspicacity to realize the potential … so let us turn off that TV and start taking control of our own subconscious … and our own consciousness … for life shall be what we make of it. Let us start making it into something beautiful. Imagine now, what that life can be …