
Life can be a challenging experience. We face so many hardships over the years that sometimes it can be very difficult to free ourselves from them, and to move on. I have always said that ‘all is with meaning’ … but trying to figure out what that meaning actually  is takes on a new dimension when it comes to matters of one’s own inner pains, doesn’t it? These things can often seem so unjust and undeserved, that it makes it extremely difficult for us to see life objectively, and to separate it from one’s own sense of self-worth. Perhaps it is because of this, that life’s challenges continue to endure with such a potency – often skewing our minds and our hearts in a direction away from that path of healing and inner peace. Sadly, I have found it to be not uncommon for people to come to cling to their pain as a definition of who they are … like a ‘badge of honor’, or of ‘shame’ … so long as it provides them with that ‘comfort’ of a social identity. Yet you know, it really doesn’t have to be that way … healing IS possible … and when this is truly realized, that void and that fear which has been with us for so very long, has the opportunity to transform into  something quite profound indeed: we call it wisdom.

Why: that is always the question. “Why did this have to happen?” … and “who am I now”, after it did? There’s no formula to easily answer such questions. Every individual must, inevitably, find their own answers … but maybe some comfort can be taken from the knowledge that – the ability to heal, be it in a dimension of heart or body or experience, truly is within you … because that is where our reality is created in the first place. Let us consider this …

“Love is the great miracle cure” wrote Louise Hay, one of the great founders of the ‘self-help movement’ … and they are words of finer wisdom than perhaps many realize at face value. “Love …” but what precisely is love, and what are it’s affects on healing? How does one feel this love, through a scar of painful memories? The answer goes back perhaps, to that word synonymous with our own humanity: compassion. Compassion is an understanding that we all are connected by an invisible tether of energy and consciousness … and that the separation between us, really is but a thin illusion. Compassion is an emotional understanding, where you can recognize yourself in the eyes of others … not to make excuses for them, but to comprehend what life is like, in the experience of ‘another person’s shoes’. Compassion is forgiveness too, but I think in its root sense, it is simply a desire for the progression and well-being of all. And compassion is found within …

Like everything else, compassion (love) is an energy frequency … set into being by consciousness, and brought into focus by freewill. As an energy, it reflects the concept of a harmonious coexistence, between the self as a point of awareness, and the self as an experience of the united One – or the reality in which you perceive ‘around you’. Indeed it is a potent medicine, for it is the energy of our essence … it is an energy of creation, and when one allows themself to feel that energy, then they are radiating that energy – and reality reacts. Mind to matter … Abracadabra (Hebrew for “I will create as I will speak”) … quantum physics and noetic science … the process of our interaction with reality is well known by many perspectives, yet still it is so often neglected when it comes to our personal, daily lives. We hold the power to alter our reality, even profoundly, in the choice that we make between being ruled by our own fears and being freed by our own humanity … the choice, and the will, and the intention to heal! “Our sorrows and wounds are healed only when we touch them with compassion” said Buddha, and that compassion that we touch life with, is the compassion that you can now find – within.

Best wishes and good journey to you all … and may compassion guide you to your wisdom!