Reflective Reality

There are no words to fully describe this concept … you have to experience it to understand it for yourself. Nonetheless, I will try, because what we’re dealing with is really about the subtlety of consciousness itself, and what existence truly is …

Let us begin with these five fundamentals of time/space: 1. All existence is a vibration, or frequency, of energy 2. Emotion intensifies energy, or increases the charge 3. One’s perspective, or understanding, works in conjunction with emotion to alter energy frequencies 4. Time is a point of focus, for our awareness and 5. Everything – all possibilities, all probabilities, all times and all locations – exist simultaneously, in a perpetual ‘now’. It’s a lot to try and grasp … now read them againĀ  slowly, and try to conceptualize each fundamental point for all of it’s connotations. A summery Conclusion: existence is an expression of consciousness, reality is a culmination of our shared awareness, and life is made in the moment …

There are simpler ways of putting this concept – “mind-over-matter”, “you create your own reality”, “time is an illusion”, etc. – but the problem with these more friendly phrases is that they tend to be believed (or disregarded) without really comprehending the true depth of their meaning. And indeed, understanding that depth of meaning is an individual process that can literally takes ‘lifetimes’ of experience … yet there again, THAT IS what we theoretically have access to right now, by the conscious shift of our own perceptions! *WHOA!* Existence turns from one level to another, forever expanding with our own awareness …

Part of the difficulty for people to grasp the finer truth about reality, is perhaps because what we see of it, is just a reflection a representation of concepts. As a reflection, what we are perceiving is actually just a limited glimpse of the effect, rather than the cause. This is the flaw for so much of orthodox science – looking at results rather than origins … and indeed also, this is the ‘illusion’ so often referred to in metaphysical philosophy. So in a sense, we often base ourselves and our ‘reality’ on the ‘perceived and believed’ boundaries of a given paradigm … on what we observe from a singular perspective … on what we see in that reflection … rather than what actually IS.

Another challenge to our understanding: a long history of controlled information, and strategically employed disinformation. Think about our history, and who were the keepers of humanity’s greatest knowledge? – the ‘rulers’ … the highest kings and priests and scholars, the secret societies of ancient Greece to the modern-day Illuminati. It’s such an old story … knowledge is power, and those in power wish to keep it and expand it. Thus being the case, a belief in the ‘illusion’ – in the reflection of reality, rather than reality itself – has been strongly encouraged! The media, economics, religions, sciences, the educational systems … governments, medical industries, oil and agriculture … all of it (or most of it) is based-on whatever ‘the elite’ sanctions or authorizes for our use. Control the knowledge, and you can control the reality … the holographic principle, used for an ignorant and self-serving motive.

However my good friends, despite any ‘opposition’ to our understanding of ourselves as humanity and our experience of reality, the greater truth is always accessible, if not by our intellects than by ‘old Einstein’s shortcut’ … intuition – or the emotional aspect of our potential for understanding. Vast amounts of knowledge can be ‘transmitted’ through the medium of emotion, and simultaneously, emotion ‘charges’ the knowledge that is ‘transmitted’ – the energy – with the focus of consciousness. Is it any coincidence that the heart is so associated to great powers … be that ‘heart’ an organ, a chakra, a center of electromagnetism in the human body or a symbol of love or so on … I think not.

So, down to simplicity … what does all of this big talk mean for ‘me in my daily life’? What it means is, your ‘daily life’ is not only vastly different than you probably believe, but also that you have the ability to understand it, and to change it by, let us say, good intentions and a desire to know. Follow your heart, but don’t lose your head -lol- or maybe I could say: reach-out sincerely with your heart, and life will talk to you every day, in a million ways, of what your heart most needs to know. If you are still struggling with understanding what I’m saying, don’t fear … never fear. Your ‘time’ will come … one step at a time, one day at a time, one thought at a time … and then, you will understand it all again, in a new way, and REALITY will have gained a new dimension.

– Good journey to you all –