Listening …

Life speaks to us … it speaks to us all the time. It speaks to us however, not so much with words, but rather with the subtleties of synchronicity, intuition, and intricate symbolism. It speaks to us through experience, and through our dreams … it speaks to us through our hearts; and what it is saying to us is an opus of wisdom, if but we can learn to hear it.

Albert Einstein once said: “Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” I think he understood a lot about the ‘language of life’ … he understood the value of observation, but he also understood the value of a feeling – of intuition – and that as a part of nature we are woven with the very fabric of meaning. ALL is with purpose, for all is connected by that invisible tether of nature, of energy and of consciousness, and so too are we …

What is life telling you? Can you calm your mind enough to hear it, for it is speaking to you right now, and you are speaking to it. Listen with your heart and with your soul and, in time, the language of life will teach you the great significance of all that you are.