Who Are You?

Who do you want to be today? The modern media provides us with quite an array of ‘character types’ to choose from. As a matter of fact, they put an awful lot of effort into making sure to cater to just about everyone’s style. Wild punks, cold businessmen, depressed goths … crude rednecks, flaky new agers, religious zealots … prom queens and patriots and intellectuals … the list goes on and on. Whatever your style the media will provide, and whatever role you choose, you can find comfort and acceptance within your niche. So deeply ingrained is this form of media image; so pervasive is this concept of ‘self-expression’ through the mimicry of celebrities, that many people cannot even perceive themselves without some manner of external reference. Consequently, people have largely become disconnected from their true self, and to abandon their image leaves them in a state of loss and fear. Strip the world of its prefabricated roles, then what else is there? Well, for starters, quite a lot …

What lies beneath the mask of our perceptions, is an infinite array of possibilities. No life is without purpose – no person has to be limited by the social roles pressed upon them. As an individual you will always be more … whether you recognize it or not. Free your mind and open your heart. Question the answers you are given – and perhaps most importantly of all, learn to overcome the fear of ‘not fitting in’. What you will discover is that you are far more capable to choose the direction of your life than what you’ve been told, and the choices are far more broad than any ‘style’ or occupation can provide. For me to be more specific might be a disservice however, for those are the details that no one else can give … they have to be found within.

So, who do you want to be today? Just a suggestion, but maybe you should just be yourself. Now, that said, who are you? Really!? Take another look …