The Quiet Moments …

Far too rare have become those moments of peace … when the world holds still, and the mind can become clear. Modern society has tried very hard to banish the simple experience of being … with the hum of our electronics and the buzz of our 24 hour brains to distract us. Being … without the pressure of an immediate schedule, or the ringing telephone, or a flurry of other people and activity … just being … Ahhhh … you have to kind of breathe-deep just thinking about that, don’t you? What a wonderful vacation it would be, just to be

It’s nice to imagine … can you feel it? I know I can, and oh how I wish I could feel it more! -lol- PEACE – inner peace … that is the feeling, isn’t it? These days such a marvelous sensation as feeling at peace has become quite elusive. So elusive, as point of fact, that many people have come to feel a bit uncomfortable with it. Tragically low attention spans and often a fear of what might be realized during such moments, adds to the problem for a society that has forgotten how to be quiet. Don’t think this loss is unintentional either … there are those for whom the very LAST thing they want for you, is your liberty to pause and ‘do nothing’ … you can’t control the masses that way! So, needless to say, there is plenty of daily opposition towards obtaining a moment of peace … so you have to take the initiative when you can, and seize those fleeting moments before they are lost. But when you can

My god, how beautiful life can be! You know, the picture that accompanies today’s little contemplation is actually the view from my own front yard – amazing, isn’t it! But beauty like that can be found in many places: in a face, or in a time, a gesture of kindness or in a dream for a happy life … and sometimes they’re there, but we just don’t really notice it. When we do notice it however, and let it make time stand still and silence prevail … all of that beauty becomes something more – it becomes a apart of you, always and forever …

THAT, is the ‘voice of being’ … that is ‘the connection’ to an understanding that everything is a miracle, everything has meaning, and that beyond that layer of lost realities and the challenges of daily life, is a power of compassion – to be strengthened from and to grow for. And that my friends, is a voice out of the silence that speaks very loudly! LIFE is something very precious indeed, and so it is our job to make sure that it stays as such!

Learn from the past, take heed of the future … but live in the now – in that moment of realization and true definition, where peace and strength are the same, where life speaks, and where reality is everything … inside of a moment

Pause now, and silence your worries … still your mind … just be, and let life tell you for itself …

~Good journey ~