Shattered Illusion

It is an unfortunate observation of mine, that the minds of humanity seem ever more automated these days … programmed to think, feel, and react not according to any genuine source within, but rather according to whatever the constant stream of social engineering dictates. Originality, not in terms of invention but in terms of mentality, has become increasingly rare. Most people speak only the words that they have been fed … feel only what they have been told to feel … see, only what they have been trained to see. Reality, it might seem, has been made into a counterfeit version truth, and the tragedy of it is, is that practically no one seems to even notice …

It’s a brilliant plan actually … brilliant and diabolical. So subtle, and yet so ingrained … people truly believe that all of their thoughts and feelings are undoubtedly their own, and it would never even occur to them that they could be anything but. I hesitate to say this, however the plain truth is that very few of you who even bother to read this will have any idea what I’m talking about … although most of you will nod your heads, and insist that you do. Of course, that is part of the program: to filter information through ego, and believe you have obtained understanding, when in fact that information has merely scratched the surface without penetrating into the deeper levels of actual comprehension. That way truth becomes impotent, yet you can believe it has already been obtained … and so the matrix of control perpetuates in a ring that seems to show movement, but in fact goes nowhere. Believe me, it is a very old game …

People have largely been confined into tidy little boxes of image, perception, and roles to be played. This creates a very convincing illusion of diversity, which will strongly suggest to you that my words are invalid, and simply the rantings of some unknown fool who thinks too highly of himself … or yet another orator spouting lines from a Facebook page, who thinks he has a monopoly on the truth. Perhaps you might even say to me that “everyone has their own truth” … that “life is what we make of it”, or quote me some other line of someone else’s words. I wonder how many of you notice the irony – how wisdom made popular in phrases such as those is so often lost in repetition, and fails to reach the true core of meaning. We say such phrases with pride, then as one moment passes to another, we wear our T-shirt adorned with a skull and slide a finger across the screen of our latest and greatest smart phone, whispering “Namaste” and sending our love … while laughing with our friends at the latest episode as seen on Vudu (coincidence that it is a play on the art of dark magic?), or the aptly named “world-wide-web”… can you see it?

Unfortunately, it is probably the creators of this global war upon the hearts, minds, and souls of humanity who will understand the subtlety of my choice words the most … those who laugh at the great masses who are oblivious to the language and methods of ‘the mysteries’. To those few of you who are not of that elite and ‘chosen’ community, but through vigilance, experience, and insight have breached the veil of ancient illusion, you know as well as I that life is a communication on many different levels … and that the truth is all around us, simply covered-up by the mask of time and careful presentation. It is you few and nameless, hidden amongst the many, who can break the code of this reality … and it is you few, to whom I speak now.

Our task seems daunting – to help free others from the chains of their social programming. We are opposed by iron egos and deeply rooted fears within the people, and the masterful strategy of those architects of the madness and of this false reality, whose claimed ‘authority’ is but seldom challenged. We face a barrier within the people, who are so utterly convinced that they are operating purely by their own that any notion to the contrary seems absurd to them. Yet they are not sovereigns of their own minds and hearts … not yet … for they have been raised in the illusion, and for many that is all they have ever known. Trace their responses and reactions back to their origins, and more often than not you will find that they came from TV shows, orchestrated belief systems, and media characters designed to impress, confuse, and guide them along a path of disempowerment with promises of just the opposite.

So how is this barrier breached? How can that true connection be made … which penetrates those years and years of mental mire, so heaped upon the social consciousness, and buried deep within the subconscious? What determines that ‘spark’ that some seem to carry, while others seem to have extinguished? How I wish I could provide a conclusive answer to those questions … but all I have is some simple advise: lead by example, and have patience … wield your knowledge carefully and compassionately, and never forget that the object of your interaction with them is an attempt to aid them, and not your own ego or satisfaction. If they can recognize the wisdom, and love, and learn, and change … then you know your continuing efforts will not be in vein. But if they cannot … if they continue to nod their heads as if they understand and agree, while proceeding in the same old patterns of programmed life … then we must conclude that it is not yet their time, and we must move on.

Subtlety is a fine tactic, for it provides the opportunity for your ‘student’ to show you that their awakening is genuine and not simply an attempt to please you with all the ‘right answers’ … however, the subtlety of your example is often (in my experience) missed by those whose preoccupation with the false reality has become such a part of their perceived identity, that they would feel quite naked without it. The direct approach can sometimes have the effect of ‘shocking’ them into seeing things more clearly … yet it also has the potential hazard of being met by the rejection of ego, which tells them that any error of their beliefs somehow makes them less. It is a hard balance of discernment, to know which method might work better.

Ultimately it is the choice of every individual whether or not they shall awaken to the meanings of life … and of their own being. We can only do so much to help guide them … but it is they who must ultimately make the journey. Yet you can also take comfort, for in a sense that journey has already long been made. We have simply but to navigate through one dimension unto the next – and if you understand time, perhaps you will understand that cryptic statement. The ‘masters of the mysteries’ and the purveyors of falsehoods have already lost this war, for they have been in error from the very beginning – fooled by the same illusion that they themselves have created. And to the unaware whom we try to heal … well, they too are as multidimensional as we – and so what they live as now, is still hardly all that they are … whether they (or we ) are aware of it, or not …

Our numbers may be few, but span many lives … and the qualities of wisdom, compassion, and foresight shall never be banished from our souls. We are not lambs upon the alter, nor are we without strength. The sleeping masses may not recognize us, or heed the message that we offer them, but this is hardly a contest of numbers. Stay strong, my friends, and never forget who you truly are … and why we have come to this epoch. Reality shifts like the dunes of a desert – by the winds of change upon the terrain of the mind, and that which is seen today may vanish by tomorrow. So take heart by this journey … live by what you know, and by what you feel deep-down inside. Humanity, no matter how blind most are now, inevitably will find the lesson …

Best wishes to all.