The Best of the Best

Society has long attempted to assign knowledge to a caste system. Whether it’s the PhD or the MD, or the priest or the guru master, we are taught to look for answers from those whom we believe should know better. There’s nothing wrong with that … that can be a very good thing to do, but all too often the problem is that people take what is said to be FACT, without question. Remember, that teachers themselves had to first be students – students who learned from other teachers. Knowledge, be it spiritual or analytical, is never to be confused with its real source: thinking, and feeling, and the insight of yet another individual’s perspective. Knowledge is life and so it grows and expands, it changes and it evolves, and so it also can be found in ALL sources – even the most humble. Teachers must never cease being students themselves …

So now the question you can ask yourself is: what can I learn from that? And who or what is the true master of my own limits of knowledge?